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Easy Finance

Robust solar and back-up systems taylor made for your needs.

Finance options

Switching to solar can save you money in the long run, but the initial investment can be quite high. An innovative solar rental model provides most property owners in South Africa with a viable financing solution for solar energy.

Using our straightforward rental-to-owner model, you can own your own solar system in affordable monthly installments without the high installation and equipment costs.

Real estate experts agree:

Benefits of Solar Power

We design, supply and install

We love Quality Equipment

for reliable power supply and best efficiency

Let's start your solar journey with a free site visit.

Get in touch with us


We have a dedicated in-house team to guide you through the process of financing your complete solar system. A professional solar consultant will get back to you to help determine the right system for your needs at affordable monthly payments. No need to wait. Let us take you into a sustainable energy future.

Using our straightforward rental-to-owner model, you can own your own solar system in affordable monthly installments without the high installation and equipment costs.